Friday, October 7, 2011

What is the difference between Premier Clark and the NDP?

October 7, 2011- VANCOUVER, BC - Today on the Bill Good Show, Premier Clark stated that if Mr. Cummins wants to challenge the BC Liberals, he should run for the NDP.

"This is ridiculous coming from Premier Clark whose policy book looks more and more like it is written by the NDP," said Mr. Cummins. "Perhaps she needs to take a good hard look at her own record this year, and see if perhaps she is in the wrong party."

It's been harder and harder to see the difference between Premier Clark's government and the NDP. They agree on all of the following:

Bits and Bits, from here and there, as we end this week

The following comments, from a city councilor in Northern BC, should be required reading for those seeking to represent us – at whatever level of government.
1) Being elected to represent citizens of ( XYZ ) is a privilege, not a right.
2) Even if I feel strong about it, what does the majority of ( XYZ ) think about it.
3) We work as a group to move the city forward, but were each elected for our own separate reasons.

From a CBC News story:
It’s not unusual for a politician to stroll through the halls of the B.C. legislature, but when it’s new B.C. Conservative party leader John Cummins, it turns a few heads.  Cummins, recently an MP and not yet elected as an MLA, was attending the first working day of the new legislative session as an observer.

"I think it was important to be here for the first couple of days," Cummins said.  The Conservatives have steadily grown in popular support since Cummins took the helm of the revived party in May.  "Everywhere we go, people are interested in what we have to say," Cummins said.

From BC Auditor General John Doyle’s summary report:
“My audit opinion for the 2010/11 fiscal year contains one audit reservation, indicating that the financial statements are not in compliance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This is one of the three audit reservations that featured in my 2009/10 opinion."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This is pure and unadulterated ‘piffle politics’

“This is pure and unadulterated piffle politics”.  Those words were penned by a friend of mine, Al Siebring, who lives on Vancouver Island … and yes indeed “Piffle Politics” is what we have been subjected to year after year for the past 2 decades.

Piffle Politics is what we have been getting with all 4 throne speeches as well during the 39th session of the legislature.

Let’s look for example at all the TALK that has been generated around the BC economy beginning with the first speech from the throne of the 39th parliament which was give on August 25th, 2009
As in the early part of this decade, it is a smart focus on our economy that will lead us back to the successful position that, only a year ago, we took for granted.

... heard clearly from British Columbians that they wanted a stable government that would live within its means, improve and protect vital services and lower costs on the economy so that we could invest in jobs and infrastructure.

The government committed to work to make B.C. more competitive, reduce barriers to the economy and protect core public services.

The benefits will flow through in higher productivity, higher wages and lower costs, increased competitiveness, reduced bureaucracy and red tape, more jobs and a stronger economy in every part of the province.

This administration's commitment to climate action is equally unflagging and crucial to our economy.

That sounds like the government is placing a high importance on the economy, and well they should, right??  I guess that then means that in the 2nd throne speech, of the 39th legislative session, given on February 9th, 2010, we should be hearing good news.  Let’s take a look …

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The next few months will be crucial for John Cummins and the BC Conservative Party

It’s been a busy week, and it will be a busy day as well, and so today I will take the opportunity to point out a couple of interesting stories that I found in the not so mainstream media. 

The first, would lead one to wonder how plugged in to the state of the BC economy Christy Clark is.  The second should provide even more encouragement for Reed Elley, John Cummins, and the hundreds and hundreds of BC Conservative Party members working hard to become government in this province.

The first story, Clark wrongly claims no one predicted economic turmoil, is from the Public Eye (October 4th)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Many British Columbians lack confidence

BC Legislature in Victoria
Here’s an excerpt from the February 14th, 2011, BC Government Speech from the Throne:

We now gather together on the eve of transition to new leadership. Both the government and the opposition will select new leaders in the days ahead. With change there is always excitement and opportunity to discover new paths ahead and new means of achieving our shared goal of a better future for all.

This is a time when British Columbians are encouraged to discuss new ideas about making our province an even better place. Through this period, government will ensure a smooth and orderly transition while continuing to deliver the quality services that are important to all British Columbians.

Tomorrow's budget will meet statutory requirements while providing maximum flexibility for future decisions by the new executive council and this legislature. As laid out in government's three-year plan, spending priorities will continue to be focused on health and education.

Okay, so the Speech from the Throne said that, "… government will ensure a smooth and orderly transition while continuing to deliver the quality services that are important to all British Columbians." 

What happened instead??

Monday, October 3, 2011

BC Auditor General, "I remain very concerned that government is choosing to override the independent standard setting process"

A quick summary of the BC Auditor Generals Report begins on page 5 -- including mention that the financial statements are not in compliance with General Accepted Auditing Principles (GAAP). Two other things reported on last year, and not included this time round, were only because the dollar amounts were slightly less.

Auditor General John Doyle stated, "I remain very concerned that government is choosing to override the independent standard setting process"

"A related concern is that despite repeated assurances, government is not actively engaging in consultation with my Office regarding these significant future events."

Does that sound like a government with a good handle on our tax dollars to you --- or one with something to hide??

This is a government that, after the next provincial election, will be replaced by John Cummins and the BC Conservatives.

It’s back to work today at the legislature in Victoria; today begins the 4th session of the 39th Parliament.  The first session of the 39th Parliament began on August 25th, 2009 , over two years ago, with a Speech from the Throne by Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Stephen L. Point.  Here are a few points from that throne speech:
Former BC Premier
Gordon Campbell
As British Columbia endures its worst recession in 27 years, many are worried about their economic future. Families worry about their prospects. Government shares their concerns. It will dedicate its efforts to improving B.C. families' prospects and economic circumstances. It will not happen overnight and it will not be easy, but government will work tirelessly, so B.C. comes out of this economic maelstrom stronger.  The pace, depth and scope of the economic crisis surpassed expectations.

The BC Liberal government of the day, led by then Premier Gordon Campbell, knew full well the economy of the province was not on its best footing, still the BC Liberals have continued to increase debt and deficit --- WHY???

The government committed to work to make B.C. more competitive, reduce barriers to the economy and protect core public services.

Remember now, this is from a speech given two years ago.  But, does anyone recall part of Christy Clarks big job growth announcement from a couple weeks ago??   I’m pretty sure I recall that she just re-announced the very same thing --- WHY???