Thursday, June 30, 2011

There are actually at least 3 camps regarding the HST ... and the PST / GST

Many people … including those in the media … have NOT realized there are actually at least 3 camps (or schools of thought) regarding the HST ... and the PST / GST.

There are those who, no matter what, hate the government -- and the HST --- and will vote to end its existence.

There are those who go, "Whoopee … it goes down 2% and the government will be mailing me a FREE cheque to bribe me into keeping it.”

Then there were those who like me who said, “I do not like how it was initiated but I will vote to retain it.”

That was until Christy Clark tinkered with it … a “FIX” she called it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Strikes in the public sector?? Not if the service is considered essential!

Seventy percent of teachers in the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) have voted ... and they voted overwhelmingly (90%) in support of strike action to meet their demands.

So here's my thought ... and I know I am not alone in it ... if it is part of the business of government, then it should be considered essential.  If not, then it should be in the private sector.

Debating the HST?? We need more than just Dix and Clark!

So Adrian Dix would like to challenge Christy Clark to debate the HST on the Bill Good show??

Given that Clark would find it difficult to give honest answers on the true cost of what a 10% HST will do to the deficit, I doubt very much she will take up the challenge.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Results of the Carbon Tax??? Well to date NO response has been received

As you will note below, on June 13th I requested information regarding BC's Carbon Tax to ...

Terry Lake (MLA); Bob Simpson (MLA); Kevin Kruger (MLA); Adrian Dix NDP Leader; and Bill Bennett (MLA).  Not receiving a response, I resent the email on June 22nd.

Basically I was simply questioning, and asking, what the actual results have been from BC enacting this tax.  To date NO response has been received from anyone that I contacted regarding this.

Dear Sirs ...

The following email was sent approximately a week and a half ago, however I have not yet had a response. 

We have a system that continues to get worse -- while band aid solutions are applied

We are going to continue to see and read stories like this, "Special needs girl left with mother's corpse highlights B.C.'s flawed system of supports"

Unfortunately we have a system that continues to get worse -- while band aid solutions are applied. There needs to be a complete a total look at the entire mental health system ... children and families ministry ... health ... and all of the overlaps between them. This is what is allowing things like this to happen because there is too much overlap, and confusion, about who should be caring for who.