The end of the week is approaching, and as I mentioned in an earlier
post … I am back again after being lazy and taking the summer off (hey there
has to be some time available so I can ride my motorcycle and have that family
vacation time.
It has been an interesting week in BC politics as another high profile
former Reform / Conservative MP has indicated he plans to seek a nomination for
the BC Conservative Party … Christy Clark has finally indicated that she is not
going to call an early election … there was news on the global warming front …
and BC Ferries under the leadership of highly paid and highly pensioned David
Hahn continue to bleed red ink.
Speaking of the highly paid executive at BC Hydro, you may wish to take
a few minutes to look at the two following charts. The first chart is from BC Stats and shows
salaries for workers in BC across the main economic sectors … the second
shows what
is being earned by Public Sector CEO’s and top management people at BC
Hydro, BC Ferries, ICBC, Powerex, etc).
Like me, I doubt if you will be pleased by what you see
Meantime … here are some of the stories that made political news in BC
this week:
… the halfway completion of a government project is rarely going to
make headlines … still there was Premier Christy Clark on Saturday, surrounded
by bridge builders and a politician or three, proclaiming herself
"absolutely delighted" at the news that construction of "this
magnificent structure" had passed the 50-per-cent mark.