Friday, January 14, 2011

If we get the government we deserve …

A question has been rolling around in my head for awhile now. and that is, if “we get the government that we deserve”, do we then “deserve the government we get”?

For example if I knowingly decide to vote and support a parties candidate because they promise me everything I want to hear, regardless of whether the taxpayers can afford it, then I guess we do get the government we deserve. 

Using a personal example, I would like to have a new Yamaha Stryker motorcycle but the cost is a little under 15 thousand dollars – so should I go out and “Charge It” and increase my debt load?   That’s exactly what government does when they spend money above what they receive in revenues.  Sometimes that’s good, however when we are being bought off with promises and things we want to hear, well that’s not so good.

Here’s something to consider regarding debt load.  In 2001 when the so-called fiscally responsible BC Liberal Party took over government, the provincial debt amounted to somewhere around 34 billion dollars.

In a News Release from the BC Government’s Ministry of Finance they indicated that the “… total provincial debt is forecast to be $47.8 billion in 2010 -11 …”.

Are you aware what percentage of each dollar in revenue, the government takes in, goes towards tax-payer supported debt service costs?  It’s 4.5%.  And that’s not being used towards payment of the debt itself, that’s just to pay the interest charges on the debt! 

In that same government news release I noted above, the Ministry of Finance also indicated that “… total government revenue is forecast at $39.2 billion in 2010 -11…”

Four point five percent of $39.2 billion dollars is equal to ONE BILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS --- $1.764 BILLION!  That's what we are paying just to service the debt!  Think of where that money could be going … providing better government services for our seniors … for improving the medical system so people are not on wait lists that stretch month after month … for making our education system the best in Canada.

Did we get the government we deserve?? … do we deserve the government we got??

Government debt has increased by almost 50% --- has the school system improved by a corresponding 50%?  Has the medical system improved by a corresponding 50%?  Has our highway system improved by a corresponding 50%?  What about our legal system … conservation … land management?? 

Did we get the government we deserve?? … do we deserve the government we got??

In the current leadership race now underway in the BC Liberal Party we have four candidates (George Abbott, Mike de Jong, Kevin Falcon, and Moira Stilwell) who are part of the current Liberal caucus; and we have one, Christy Clark, who was there for several years.  Given the huge increase in debt-load do we deserve to have ANY of them becoming the Premier of the province?

Here’s a question; will we deserve the government we are going to get with any of the above leadership candidates? … because by example they have shown us their way of doing things is to increase our debt-load.  And with all of the promises they have been tossing around not only will debt increase – it will increase at an even faster pace.

We need a government that is committed to eliminating the current deficit -- and that is committed to reducing the huge provincial debt.  Doing that will ultimately see taxes reduced in a fair, responsible, and effective manner. 

It sounds like we need to start planning for a BC Conservative government come the next provincial election in May of 2013.  A BC Conservative government that is committed to providing British Columbians with lower taxes, a stronger economy, and greater accountability.

That’s that kind of government we deserve to have … not what we have been getting from the Liberal and NDP MLA’s that are currently sitting in the legislature in Victoria.

I'm Alan Forseth, and that's the thoughts of one conservative. 

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