Monday, May 23, 2011

Will the Liberals and NDP will merge -- what does that mean provincially"

The call for a merger of those who lean to the left side of the political spectrum has been raised again, or this time actually an analysis of why it is likely to take place.  I'm just wondering though why the thought / idea keeps getting raised?

Are these trial balloons being floated to see the response, people seeing that a merger simply makes sense, or ??

Another call came forward over the weekend for a merger of the Liberals and the NDP on the federal front, and you can read that story by clicking HERE.

On the provincial side of things Christy Clark has allowed select party members (ie: Colin Hansen) to see what appetite there is for the BC Liberals to have a name change -- given the fact that Liberal party is Liberal in name only that may not be a bad idea.

The other day Bill Tieleman called for suggestions, and there have been some great ones :) ... but I don't think any suggestions came forward that Christy Clark would appreciate.

Politics is BC is starting to get interesting again --- and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of repositioning, if any, the NDP and Liberals look at now that the BC Conservative Party, under John Cummins, is gaining traction in the province.

I'm Alan Forseth in Kamloops ... with a a few thoughts from one conservative, and a few other folks.

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