Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My warm and fuzzy 'feel good because I'm saving the environment' is just not happening

Here we go again ...  yesterday I blogged another story on the Carbon Tax and Pacific Carbon Trust.

Today in the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper we have more on the insanity of this scheme, perpetrated on the public by the BC Liberal government.   The story, “Public-sector tax pays private-sector benefits -- Industry must fund its share if the carbon tax is to really pay its way” is by Independent MLA Bob Simpson

We were told --- promised actually -- that this tax would help us to reduce our carbon footprint.  Well it’s not working.  The only thing it’s reducing is the amount of money going into budgets for health care and our children’s education.

My warm and fuzzy 'feel good because I'm saving the environment' is just not happening.

Where are you David Suzuki??  I need you to restore my sense (not real or actual) belief that the taxes and fees, imposed on me, are actually helping to save the environment. 

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops; today with the brief thoughts of one conservative on this round ball we call planet earth.

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