Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To not do so will only condemn us to more of the same

Have you asked the question, "Will you become
a member of the BC Conservative Party?"
Several weeks ago I sent an email to several people who were not members of the BC Conservative Party – that I believed would be concerned about where we are headed in the next General Election.

Today I decided to follow up with them … here is what I had to say.

The next general election is just a little over 10 months away, and given everything that has happened over the past year, it is becoming more and more apparent that the BC Liberal Party will not win re-election. 

More and more, people are turning to the BC Conservatives, as a choice that will offer not just a commitment to being fiscally responsible ... but also to accountability, integrity, and respect.

We need all hands on deck to ensure the NDP do not win the next election, and that is why today I am asking directly for your support by becoming a member, and by offering whatever expertise and experience you have to help us build a strong campaign ... and support team.

In my honest opinion the BC Liberals have shown, over and over again, that they have not earned the votes of British Columbians ... and they will not get them next May.  There is an alternative however; that alternative is the BC Conservative Party.

With that I ask if you will join with us, and help build a strong alternative -- an alternative that can, and will, challenge the NDP in next May's General Election.  As a member of the BC Conservatives, you'll be joining with people from every corner of our province ... people united by a desire for common sense conservative government in Victoria.

For those reading this post, that perhaps may be considering what their options should be next May, I hope that you to will consider what I’ve had to say -- and that it will resonate within you.

If you are already a member of the party, why not take a moment right now, to send something similar to friends and family that you know.  Ask them to join with us.

To not do so will only condemn us to more of the same; big government, big spending, more taxes and fees, and a continued lack of accountability and respect for the people of BC.

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops, with the thoughts of one conservative.

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