Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It only confirms my thoughts – but feel free to let me know if you disagree

Today (October 10th) Alex Tsakumis says: BC Conservative Despot John Cummins Confuses “Ultimatum” with Ultimate Mayhem!

Having never met, or spoken to me, Alex Tsakumis also says that I am, and I quote:  "a charter member of the Despot’s ‘God Squad’, sprung from the silo 2attack me."

I find it sad that this man finds it necessary to put forward vile poison, and write words that are caustic and mean-spirited. Sadly, they take away from any and all good journalistic work he has done. 

His latest corrosive piece, which necessitated a total of 1,110 words to get across, is at:

I think it only confirms my thoughts (which has only taken 145 words) – but feel free to let me know if you disagree.  I promise no insults will be hurled your way.

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops, with the brief thoughts of one conservative.

RESPONSE from Alex Tsakumis:
Stupid is as stupid does. Al Foresth has decided to do a follow up. Not answering any of the SIGNIFICANT failings of his party leader–or the party in general, that continues in freefall, he’s taking another run at me. LEt’s see how he survives by next salvo.

I added the BOLD font just to highlight for you what I considered to be the pertinent parts. 

I guess there is really no need to remind, and point out, the obvious.  That is, Alex T refuses to allow for anyone to question anything he says and writes -- nor allows for a dissenting opinion.

PS Alex ... the last name is Forseth

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