Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just give us a simple answer, to those two simple questions

If the government operates it, does that not then speak to the need for the service to be designated as essential to the well-being of British Columbians? 

The health of British Columbians is essential to the well-being of all
The maintenance of roads in BC is essential to our safety as we travel
The availability of policing services is essential for our protection and safety

BCTF President - Susan Lambert

I refuse to pick a side in the current education disaster now before us ... that's because I believe both sides have been dismal failures.

Education Minister George Abbott
NEITHER SIDE has truly had the best interests of OUR children as their MAIN focus.

The government is looking to gain political points to try and undermine the NDP ... while meantime the BC Teachers Federation still has a demand, for an increase to wages, they know full well will not be met --- EVER!

Oh the BC Teachers Federation can talk all they want about class sizes and composition … and the need for more student assistants … but what comes through the loudest is the demand for a wage increase.

There is going to be no caving to a wage demand by the Education Ministry -- or the government -- PERIOD!  

To do so would mean the government would then be forced to turn around and give the same to every other union that has already accepted a no wage increase contract.

SO … if the BC Teachers Federation really do have the concerns of students as their top priority, remove the impossible wage demand … then see where they government goes with that.  

As for the government --- let’s hear from you what you will actually do in terms of class size and composition … and if you will be able to make any headway in placing more teaching assistants in the classroom.

And here's something else I wish to say to both the government and the teachers union --- I’m sick of seeing, hearing, and reading your propaganda on TV, in the newspaper, and on radio.

Here however, is what I do wish to know:

Teachers … are you willing to take the wage demand off the table?

Government … what can you do to meet the other things in the education system that teachers feel need to be addressed to create a better learning environment in the classroom?

When you answer these questions, tell us directly – without any propaganda style advertising to filter things to the slant or focus you wish to present.  Just give us a simple answer, to those two simple questions.

And … back to the original comments I began with. If it is run, managed, or overseen by government … then would we not be right in believing it is something that is essential to the overall needs, and well-being, of the people of BC?

If that is indeed something we should take as fact, then it is my PERSONAL belief that there should be no strikes or lock-outs permitted in the public sector ... by the government or unions.

Give both sides a set time to negotiate an agreement, and if they can’t, then it should indeed be sent to binding arbitration.

Let government present a slate of individuals that will mediate on their behalf … public sector unions can do the same.  That will be 50 – 50 equal representation at the table.  Then ... let a third person sit at the table ... an individual both the union and government can agree will be impartial.  Maybe even a few a retired provincial court judges could be selected to fill that role.

We know that what we have now is not working very well … does that not speak to a need to at least consider something else?

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops, with the thoughts of one conservative.

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