Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Four cents sound cheap --- until you realize it amounts to nearly $7million EVERY DAY for debt service costs

The BC Liberals like to say that only 4 cents of every tax dollar goes to pay debt service costs.  Four cents sound cheap, until you realize it amounts to nearly $7million EVERY DAY, for debt service costs (interest the government pays on roughly $60 billion in debt).

That works out to over one fifth of a BILLION dollars EVERY MONTH ... $204 million.

That lead me to ask the CC4BC (Concerned Citizens for BC) ... also known as Christy Clark for BC ... the following on Twitter:

Posted by Alan Forseth at 1:52 p.m. - Feb 23, 2013
@bcvotes2013 Here's a simple question that has a simple answer; Tell us what is daily service costs (in millions) 4 BCs accumulated debt?

Posted by Alan Forseth at 3:53 p.m. - Feb 23, 2013
Earlier 2day I asked @CC4BC what daily interest cost is on #BCLib debt - NO answer. According 2BC Taxpayers Federation its $6.8 Million /DAY

Then I noted with interest this post at 3:07pm, on Saturday, from the Concerned Citizens for BC:

"Change 4 the better?" Bruce Ralston: Deficits Okay in Economic cycle. 1 practical deficit @ a time #newNDP? #bcpoli

Which is why I asked the following at 3:55 p.m. - Feb 23, 2013
@CC4BC Still waiting 4 U 2 answer question on what daily debt service cost R in BC --- easy question to answer. Your silence speaks volumes

Posted by Alan Forseth at 7:08 p.m. - Feb 23, 201
@CC4BC Still no reply but 2B expected. Lots of emphy Rah Rah #BCLibs rhetoric from them but no REAL substance/ answers 2 genuine questions

Needless to say, and with no surprise, the entire weekend passed by with no response.  And still Tuesday morning there has been NO answer to the question asked.

Why would anyone be surprised however, given the answer which is available for all to see.  The Concerned Citizens for BC however have no wish to publicly repeat the answer --- it just doesn't fit, or meet, with the false and misleading propaganda they are spreading.

EVERY poll out there says the BC Liberals will not win the provincial election in May.

There is NO LONGER a big tent party of small "L" Liberals and small "C" conservative because the BC Liberals, under Christy Clark, have, and continue, to be nothing more than a provincial version of the federal Liberal Party.  That is one that believes in big government and big spending.

There is only one home for small 'c' conservatives that have a social conscience -- that's in the BC Conservative Party led by John Cummins.

I'm Alan Forseth in Kamloops, with the thoughts of one conservative.

It appears the Concerned Citizens For BC do not appreciate people asking legitimate questions that voters should have an answer to.  As a result of my questions, @CC4BC has decided not to follow me any more.  It appears they don't want the people wondering about some of the same things I, and others, are wondering.

As I have stated before, this group out and out supports the BC Liberal Party -- just as the BC Federation of Labour supports the NDP.

It's time to get big money out of politics!

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