Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A look back ... May 21st, 1996

Just this morning I looked back at something I had written on May 21st, 1996, when I ran as a candidate for the Reform Party of BC.

As British Columbians we enjoy the richness of our multi-cultural diversity – job opportunities in every imaginable field – scenic splendor for all to enjoy – and an abundance of natural resources that in the past have fueled the economic growth of our province.  And you ask, "How can we protect this quality of life?”

  • You feel taxed to death and over governed
  • You’ve lost faith in political parties that have repeatedly failed to deliver on what they promise
  • You’re concerned about ensuring that we have a quality health and education system we can be proud of
  • And you’re concerned about maintaining a caring society that offers a hand to those in need

It is now 14 years later, and since then we endured one more term of the NDP … followed by a decade of the Liberals.  Since 1996 what has changed from the concerns I heard back then?

We still feel taxed to death and over governed … in fact a 15% tax reduction offered this Fall (which never should have been promised in the first place), was yanked back days later by the Liberals.

Politicians continue to make promises they can’t – or won’t – keep.

Waiting times for care in emergency are much too long … and waits for much needed surgeries drag on and on.

Families requiring help from the food banks continue to rise … well paying jobs that once fueled our economy continue to evaporate … we have a large number of children passing out of Grade 4 that by the governments own admission can’t read, write, and do simple math … and the problem of homelessness seems to have no resolution.

Isn’t it time we demand that each one of our elected representatives have the ability to be free from the top-down control demanded by the two main parties – the Liberals and NDP??   For far too long government by both the Liberals and NDP has meant making decisions without having to answer to the voters. 

Government needs to listen, and government needs to respond to the concerns that continue to be raised year after year.

It is unconscionable that people wait in pain for needed surgeries … it is unreasonable to ask the middle class to pay more and more in taxes AND fees … and it is not right for political parties to make promises they have no intention of keeping.

Apathy amongst voters will only continue to rise if we don’t begin to see real change -– or begin to see it on the horizon -- the kind of change that the new BC Conservative party is calling for.

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