Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Last night, I sent my own "Political Leaders Questionnaire"

A  lot has been made this past week about the personal beliefs of one of the provinces political leaders, which led me to wonder, "What do the rest of them think?"

Wondering that, I figured it must be fair game to ask them, so last night, I sent my own "Political Leaders Questionnaire" to Adrian Dix (BC NDP) ... Christy Clark (BC Liberal Party) ... Chris Delaney (BC First) ... and John Cummins (BC Conservative Party).

In my email to them I stated:
Given the media attention to John Cummins over the past week, and the scrutiny of candidates during the recent NDP and Liberal leadership races, I am wondering your thoughts, opinions, and ideas in a number of areas.  Please note there is of course no obligation on your part to answer these questions --- and your answers will be shared with others.

Please hit "Reply" to this email and then "Send" once you have completed your answers.  Thank you!

NOW ... here are the questions -- I'll follow up soon with the answers that I receive.


  1. As the leader of a political party, would you agree that some aspects of your personal life would be more open to the public?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  2. Do you have a belief in God, or a Higher Power of your own understanding?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  3. Would you consider yourself to be a person of no faith?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  4. Do you believe in the importance for their to be a separation of church and state?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  5. Do you believe in Moral Nihilism, in that you reject the existence of any moral truths?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  6. Do you believe that all British Columbian's are covered equally, under the law, by the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms, and by the Human Rights Act?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  7. Do you believe that Gays, Lesbians, Transgendered, etc require special rights and laws to protect them?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  8. How strongly do you believe in the following statement:
    A government should not automatically fall if a specific law, or piece of legislation, is not passed by a majority of MLA's. Instead, a specific motion should be brought forward to that effect.”
    I agree (__)         I am undecided (__)       I do not agree (__)
  9. Should BC Hydro and BC Ferries remain an asset of the government, and by extension the people of BC?
    Yes (__) No (__)
  10. Do you believe the public has a right to know the total amount paid for the legal fees of Basi and Virk, and do you believe these fees should have been paid?
    Yes (__) No (__)

Fair is fair -- and I believe we cannot ask of one, what all are not prepared to have all answer and be accountable for.

Those are the thoughts of one conservative anyways.  In Kamloops, I'm Alan Forseth .

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