Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Conservative leaning increasing across Canada

News from the Manning Centre seems to show that more and more people are coming to a realization that the common sense ideas, presented by the conservative side of the political spectrum, have value.

Given the race by the BC Liberals, led by Premier Christy Clark, to be more and more like the NDP this is good news for John Cummins and the BC Conservatives.

A story in the Toronto Sun, regarding a poll conducted by the Manning Centre, also found that, " ... Canadians are overwhelmingly disengaged from their governments and legislators, with three quarters (76%) of those polled believing their elected officials don't even share their view of what's wrong, let alone how it should be fixed."

More and more people are looking for, and demanding, governments be accountable for their actions, and for their taxes ... and that they must be responsive to voters.

The report from the Manning Center indicates that from their research and polling we are, "increasingly embracing "small-c" conservative values" ... and that we believe "... a smaller government focused more on managing the country's affairs than drastically changing them is best ... ".

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