Saturday, September 24, 2011

“I Want a Stable British Columbia That Looks Forward to the Future” ... John Cummins

So do I, and so I believe do all people in BC --- but how do we get there???

In his speech to members of the BC Conservative Party, he invited people to imagine what the province could look like with a government that ... worked for all interests, not just special interests ... that managed resources for the good of all British Columbian's ... where parents and students were the focus and concern of the education system, not the BCTF ... where the courts and judicial system have the resources they need so that criminals do not go free ... where BC Ferries are part of the Highways systems, not some semi-quasi private business with luxurious offices and million dollar salaries ... where we have the lowest unemployment and the lowest taxes ... and where politicians do not feel they have to be politically correct.

Today John Cummins, leader of the BC Conservative Party, reminded us there was a time when our province was the envy of all of Canada ... and that it can be again ... and that BC Conservatives will fight for our positive vision for BC.

To loud applause, John Cummins said that BC Liberals have gotten a 'free pass' and their record has been embarrassing. He went on to say that we need a NEW BC with stable leadership, and an economic platform to get BC back ... and he gave good reason for that.

Our justice system is becoming a province wide failure where criminals are set free --- justice delayed is justice denied.

We pay the highest taxes and have the lowest incomes west of Quebec

And we have a BC Liberal party that is growing closer and closer to the policies and ideas of the NDP!

The only solution that Christy Clark and the BC Liberal government has had to date, is more government bureaucracy, to make government more efficient. Say again???

To make government more efficient we do not need to add more bureaucracy ... such as the just announced Jobs and Investment Board.

The policy cupboard is bare --- and this is a tired BC Liberal government. If British Columbian's want an optimistic future, then we need to hire the only true free enterprise party, the BC Conservatives.

Mr Cummins came to the end of a speech, well received by members, stating the BC Conservatives will provide leadership ... and economic common sense ... a stable BC where we can look forward to the future.

I'm Alan Forseth, in Nanaimo, at the BC Conservative Party AGM.

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