Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hopefully the next provincial election will usher in a new era of government accountability

Well anyone that has not heard the latest political news in BC has just woken from a long winters nap.  I speak, of course, about yesterday’s announcement by Abbotsford South MLA John van Dongen, that he has joined the BC Conservative Party

If you care to have a listen, the following are a couple of news stories from CTV on the defection”:
I find, however, that comments of individuals to be of more interest, which is what today’s blog story will be made up of.  Here are just a few examples of comments that have been made to me, and to the media:

If poll #'s stay at current numbers - others jumping 'overboard' is very possible as we get past the 1 year mark to the 2013 provincial election.  I was pretty saddened with 'personal attacks' on van Dongen by Coleman. No need for it. Just say you disagree with the move, wish him well and move on.  Just makes BC Liberals' look even worse and 'childish'...

"This is astounding welcome news! I had just been thinking, as I mentally demonized every last weasel in the BC Libs last weekend,  that John van Dongen was the one and only good man they had ever had!  I think we should close the gate after John van Dongen gets through it! Really. Otherwise, we might be thought of as merely the BC Libs "re-branded"....

Bob Simpson, Independent MLA for Cariboo North … says 3-9 more Liberals could do what John van Dongen did...some to sit as independents, others as BC Conservatives.

I became a BC Conservative Party member because I believe it is a strong voice for my individual dreams. Hard, cruel experience has proven to me that both the Liberals & New Democrats, over the past 21 years, have been the opposite. I sincerely hope that Mr. Van Dongen will find in common within his soul, as within ours, the deepest reverence of that individual spirit - that we might be satisfied, not just that he came out of the BC Liberals, but that the BC Liberals came out of him.

I find this funny, goes to show how much of a "leader" crusty is.  However, I hope that John Cummins realizes we don't need each and every fiberal who is bound to defect. Please be choosy, John.

Last week I commented Christy would be gone by the end of the month. Okay Okay she might just flop around in the bottom of the boat for a couple of weeks.

John van Dongen (L) and BC Conservative
Party leader John Cummins (R)
Kamloops North Thompson Liberal MLA Terry Lake was of course quick to bring out the same old tired (a sad) comment, “What John did today puts at risk a free-enterprise alternative for British Columbia.  To be honest, a vote for the B.C. Conservatives is a vote for the NDP.”

Again Terry, where are the things you would stand on?  What is your record of providing good government that would cause us to support your re-election?  Why is the ‘vote split’ argument the only thing you can trot out as a reason to support you?

… make no mistake, this is a devastating blow for Clark's Liberals, who are already desperately trying to stop the bleeding of right-wing support to Cummins's crew.

As things get worse for Clark — who wasn't in the legislature for Monday's drama — other Liberal MLAs could decide to save their skins and jump to the Tories, too.

That's especially true with two crucial by-elections now under way in Port Moody and Chilliwack. If the Libs get wiped out in both, van Dongen could soon have company in a Conservative caucus at a mud-strewn legislature.”
The next provincial general election is less than 14 months away – I believe it will finish to sad legacy of the BC Liberals, and hopefully usher in a new era of government accountability.

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops, with the thoughts of one conservative.

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