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Blogger & political commentator Alex Tsakumis strikes a pose of ? |
Yesterday (June 8th) blogger and political commentator Alex Tsakumis wrote a piece
entitled ‘EXCLUSIVE’ BREAKING NEWS: BC Conservative Leader Set to Resign Immediately!
was typical of his style of writing in that it took the scorched earth approach
in lambasting people / individuals. This
time, it was John Cummins once again in his sites.
I was notified off his piece by an acquaintance, and after viewing what he had written, and some of the comments from his readers, I decided that perhaps I would, after all, post a comment.
I knew in advance it would cause Alex to begin frothing at the mouth, and it indeed did not take long.
If you go to the actual blog piece you will notice many of my responses were not allowed to see the light of day by him. Despite the fact that they were posted long before some of the others, they still remain, Your comment is awaiting moderation
I was notified off his piece by an acquaintance, and after viewing what he had written, and some of the comments from his readers, I decided that perhaps I would, after all, post a comment.
I knew in advance it would cause Alex to begin frothing at the mouth, and it indeed did not take long.
If you go to the actual blog piece you will notice many of my responses were not allowed to see the light of day by him. Despite the fact that they were posted long before some of the others, they still remain, Your comment is awaiting moderation
The following have NOT been edited or changed in
any way by me. I ask you, does any level headed political commentator write and
say the things he does?
1. Alan Forseth says:
June 8, 2013 at 10:40 PM
I am sad and disappointed — but not surprised — to see you write what many have come to expect from you, Alex .
After skewering John Cummins, with your usual negative ground scorching rhetoric, you then went on to say, ” I wish John Cummins and his family well. He’s served the public as best he could and for that he is to be commended and afforded the honour and respect that goes with it.”
All I can say to you sir is … what a pompous and arrogant ass!
I remain as always –a PROUD BC Conservative!
Over to you now Alex; go ahead and lambast me with more poison. It’s what everyone expects off you
AGT says:
Inability to
Impossible to
comprehend even rudimentary political concepts–CHECK!
Delusions of
Lost in own
rhetorical codswollop–CHECK!
Dead at intersection
of church and state–CHECK!
Ladies and Gentleman,
please welcome one of the chief reasons for BC Conservative failure(s).
Zealotry should be a
… you were totally and completely not up to your usual efforts Alex. Well gosh
durn gee whiz (is this the talk you expect from what you proclaim to be
Neanderthal conservatives? You are a pitiful creature sir, and anything but the
adoring admiration of you band of your blind adherents will do.
can think anything you wish of John Cummins — and our members — myself
included. BUT to them follow-up with a meaningless asinine congratulatory close
is complete and utter arrogance.
self-stroking checklist of so called faults has NOTHING to do with what you
wrote in your so-called Exclusive Breaking News story — nor does it have
anything to do with my comments.
is little more than part of your on-going campaign of caustic comments, with no
real understanding of our goals — which have nothing to do with our so-called
social / religious miss-deeds — and DOES have everything to do with a straight
forward message of fiscal conservatisms, job creation, provided needed
services, and strengthening health and education.
on oh great one — and a sure your adorning fans will cheer you on as you
continue your campaign of hate speech
o George says:
Oh Alan, for those of
us watching you on social media this comment will come back to bite you LOL…
God squad
Conservatives are the reason we have Christy, and Alan was a big part of that
with his friends… I saved the screenshots..
As for what people
expect from Alex, we expect him to hold zealots like you to account, exactly
what he is doing.
Who are you to come
here and condescend to Alex, and by extension, us his readers. It seems your
party needs YOUR attention redeeming itself, especially after screwing us over,
by dividing votes with your WEAK leader.. pay attention to your own weaknesses
as God would tell you.
Alan those of us that
pay attention are laughing right now because your *cough* loyalty has been
pretty thin on social media.. hypocrisy knows no boundaries as you’ve so
clearly demonstrated here today…
After reading
something you said and did a few weeks ago I’ve been waiting for this moment…
It’s pretty clear you
and the Conservatives fear Alex Tsakumis and his ability to get the brown
Alan to be very clear
it was partly because of you and the folks you communicate with on social media
that prevented me from voting “Free enterprise.”
I hate being told by
holier than tho types that their own s**t doesn’t stink.. .. rolling my eyes at
the hypocrisy …
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Ah …a loyal defender
of the hate drivel that Alex writes –it took longer than I thought t would
Call me whatever you
like — makes no never minds to me; however I will not tolerate patent lies and
I for one will NOT be
stuck in the rut of self-serving righteous adherents to anything.
I have deliberately
cast a wide net for people with many thoughts and ideas that do not necessarily
agree with mine. It challenges me and others to look closely at my beliefs, and
to make changes when and where it is needed.
Exploring new and
different ideas has always been key to growing and learning — something I’m
pretty sure most would agree with
Lord, what a complete hypocrite. Alan your lies are absolutely laughable. Go away please. Too much!!!
Yeah, you cast a wide net across several pews and the choir pit. What a moron!
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Glad and happy to
leave Alex — but please be assured I haven’t been driven away by your drivel —
I have simply become bored of it.
I’ll leave you to
your so-called legion of loyal fans
By the way I am
disappointed (but not surprised) at your continued hypocrisy, and what I would
call cowardice, at not allowing for people to disagree with what you have to
I am sure you have a
whole list of self-rationalizations for not posted my response to you.
So long until the
next time you decide to turn your poison pen our way
Alex says:
Sure Allan, you make
changes all right!!, where have you put this new found growth and understanding
of ” others ways” into practice????
As long as you and your cohort’s tie your politics to your religion, you will
be as effective as a fart in a windstorm,
You and your party do not appeal to the majority of British Columbians,
especially on social issues, and until you understand this, you will remain a
loony fringe party.
And BTW, I was wanting to vote for Conservative in this election, but could not
, as by last summer I realized your party was full of religious Zealots, and
heard the same comment from many others
Meantime further down the chain of this drivel came the following –
note how the authoritarian Alex T has to resort to name calling when he really
has no foundation for the cutting comments he makes:
Often self proclaimed
PROUD people are in reality only ARROGANT fools.
Alex, I always laugh
at these people who have nothing but praise for your work at confronting the BC
Liberal Party failures. Then when they are faced with the same type of
journalism confronting their decisions we see this type of response.
AGT says:
You said it!
But know this: No one in the BC Cons with any kind of credibility
regards anything Alan Foreskin has to say with anything but the appropriate
Gurney Slade says:
Alan ,just what is it
that you are proud of.?
That your party was
so unappealing to the voter that BC ends up with the worst collection as
government again?
That your Party is a
road block to any sensible alternative to the corruption we are now getting?
That is the source of
your Pride?…Some like if you cannot have it your going to fuck it up so bad
that no one can?
AGT is not the
problem people like you are.
o Alan Forseth says:
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Ah … more abuse from
the loyalist fans of Alex “T”.
I never censure the
general comments of anyone who posts to things that I write on my blog or
Social media. Everyone knows however I have strick rules around attack
language. Obviously Alex is okay with a free for all of low mentality language.
Why Alex, even you
yourself, with your juvenile twist of my name to ‘foreskin’ show your junior
high mentality.
Sad … so very sad
that’s it – at least for now - in the slagging of me, John Cummins, and BC
Conservatives in general. The reality is
that Alex T is little more than an obnoxious, loud-mouthed, bully, and his
writing shows that for any and all to see.
bottom line is that Alex Tsakumis does not (will not) accept anything but blind
adherence to what he says. Anything less,
is to welcome the sharp end of his tongue, through his writing.
I’m Alan Forseth, in Kamloops, with the thoughts of one conservative … along
with those of Alex T and a few of his fanatic followers. Now I’m going to take a couple of Tylenol.
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